Letter from the President, Jan Smith

Happy Spring (Semester)!
As I write this, it is January and quite cold outside, but sunny and without snow! We are fortunate to be able to keep doing what we do, with only a minimal amount of inconvenience from the lower temperatures compared to our neighbors in the Northern climes! And, we have much to look forward to this semester! In addition to actual Spring, there are the great OLLI courses, lectures, activities and tours, and trips!! The catalog is chock-full of information, with even more details available online, so while you’re perusing the online catalog, check out the rest of the OLLI website! That’s where you will find details about the various activities being offered, along with the great classes and lectures!
It has been such an honor and a privilege to serve as the OLLI president this year. We have a great leadership team, and I look forward to handing over the storied OLLI gavel to First VP Debbie Justice-Obley in April. Second VP Kent Putnam will move up to First VP, creating a vacancy in his position that YOU could fill!! We are always looking for dedicated volunteers to fill our leadership positions and help in a myriad of other ways. Please be sure to express your interest by completing the Volunteer Questionnaire!
Also, you are always welcome to email me at jansmith1642@gmail.com to learn more!
Enjoy this Spring semester with your OLLI friends and make some new ones! Take a course you never thought you would take, check out a concert, exhibit or museum you might not go to on your own, take a hike, go bowling, join a club! The beauty of it is, you will be among friends, no matter what you decide to do with OLLI!!
Jan Smith
OLLI President, Tallahassee
Advisory Council Voting Members
Name | Title |
Jan Smith | President |
Debbie Justice-Obley | First Vice President |
Kent Putnam | Second Vice President |
Bruce Bechard | Immediate Past President |
Lucy Lee | Member Representative |
Mary Anne Price | Member Representative, Westminster Oaks |
Nancy Norman | Member Representative |
Marsha VandenDooren | Member Representative |
George Waas | Member Representative |
Carroll Bewley | Philanthropy Committee |
Harriet Waas | Philanthropy Committee |
Cindy Foster | Chair, Scholarship Committee |
Harriet Waas | Co-Chair, Curriculum Committee |
Vicki Holley | Co-Chair, Curriculum Committee |
Harriet Waas | Co-Chair, Special Lectures Committee |
Vicki Holley | Co-Chair, Special Lectures Committee |
Marsha VandenDooren | Chair, Volunteer Committee |
Fran Conaway | Chair, Communications and Marketing Committee |
Susan Yelton | Chair, Society of Past Presidents |
Linda Fairbanks | Chair, Succession Planning Committee |
Harriet Waas | Co-Chair, Member Satisfaction Committee |
Susan Yelton | Co-Chair, Member Satisfaction Committee |
Special Interest Groups
Name | Title |
Lori Gormin | Chair, Monday Book Club |
Susan Barnes | Co-Chair, Wednesday Book Club |
Carol de Jarnette | Co-Chair, Wednesday Book Club |
Marie Clewis | Chair, Field Trips, Culture and Arts Activities |
Frank Alarcon | Co-Chair, Men's Group |
Carroll Bewley | Co-Chair, Men's Group |
Vicki Holley | Chair, Walking Club |
Harriet Waas | Co-Chair, Travel Club |
George Waas | Co-Chair, Travel Club |
Laura Morris | Chair, Spanish Club |
Denise Zabelski-Sever | Co-Chair, Social Committee |
Renae Mapstone | Co-Chair, Social Committee |
Michael Dodson | FB Administrator |
Membership Board Non-Voting Members
Name | Title |
Debra Herman | OLLI Executive Director |
TBD | Recording Secretary |
Terry Aaronson | Program Coordinator |
Mary Beth Trifiletti | OLLI Business Associate |