Refund Policy

Cancellation Policy:

 In the event a class has to be canceled, every attempt will be made to notify you prior to the beginning of class. You will receive a full refund for any class that OLLI must cancel.


Withdrawal/Refund Policy:

To withdraw from a class, please notify the OLLI administration office (850.644-7947/850.644.3520/850.645.9650).

If you withdraw from a class and want a refund, please make your request by the end of the first week of class. Class fees will not be refunded after the first week.

To receive a refund for a 1-day class, you must withdraw and request a refund at least one week prior to the class date.

A $10 withdrawal fee will be assessed for each class that you withdraw from,up to a maximum $25 withdrawal fee persemester.

No-shows forfeit their course fee.

Membership fees are non-refundable.

Activity payments made through this registration system are non-refundable.

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